Amazing Beauty
It all started with this beautiful egg that my sweet sister-in-law sent to me for one of my previous birthdays. I think this is so amazing how these Russian eggs are so detailed. After the intricate painting is done, they coat them with lacquer at least 24 times -waiting 24 hours in between coats!!
Then when I was in California staying at her house I spied these Matryoshka dolls (below) on her shelf -all nested inside the big one. I had to take it down and carefully un-nest (is that a word?) them. I expected to see maybe 4 0r possibly 5 dolls. Nope! Count them....8!! Aren't they they fun?
I went with her to San Francisco and we went to the store. Ohhhhh, it was so wonderful. There wasn't anything in the entire store that I did not like. 

If I won the lottery some day I would buy a Russian lacquered box to put on my dresser. Have you seen them--such small designs that they only use one hair to paint with? Heck, I may even carry it wherever I go if I can afford one some day.
I am crazy nuts about the Romanov Czar's family history. I am still doing my altered book with that theme and you can
I love Babushka/matrioska dolls. I have a small collection and Christy just crocheted me a set. I don't know if I've been in that store in SF but there is an awesome one called the Doll's Nest near Sequoia Park (The Big trees).
How pretty. I love the Babushkas.
I have always been fascinated with the story of the Czars. I'm not sure how many books I have about them! Several years ago I was able to see an exhibit of clothing, jewells and other artifacts connected with Romanovs. It was amazing.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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