
Friday, October 10, 2008

memory flash back- Spirograph

What could be more fun than hours of art possibilities with a couple pieces of plastic, some short pins and a colored ink pen or two or three? Not much!!

I loved my Spirograph that my Mom bought at a garage sale when I was little. Don't know what ever happened to I bought one for my kids at a garage sale too!

If you happen to find one, by all means --BUY IT for yourself and discover/rediscover how much fun it is. You can apply the designs to grown up art endeavors.

You can use your own kids as an excuse for buying it...or the neighbor's paperboy's aunt's mother's grandson!! Just get one!!


  1. omg!! that was my fave pasttime!! i havenst seen one in years!!
    thanks for the memories. :)

  2. This brings back memories!! I must look for one! ;-)

  3. Amy, I don't ever remember having one of these, I just doodled a lot and drew. I wish I could still draw like I use to---my mom threw out all my school drawings for biology and Home Ec. I do have an old candyland game with one of the gingerbreads missing---it's from the 50s. I love your quilled flowers. Will have to post what I got off an old burlap covered board. Hugs, Pat

  4. How many times did we unexpectedly find those little pins stuck in the rug!! Ouchies! LOL

    I love remembering this... THANKS :D

  5. i did have one of those too! i loved it, but the pens always broke in the holes. i found a little baggie of parts of one at a yard sale, and bought them a while back. yeah, i did always step on the pins! owie!


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