
Thursday, January 22, 2009

birds of a feather and the box trick

( N's bird art early in 2008 age 7)

N. loves to copy me when I sit down to doodle,
and I almost always doodle birds
(or little insects who dress or act like people and live in mushroom houses or discarded boots or flower pots).
These are some of his colored pencil birds. He cut the top one the size of an ATC card! I love the simplicity of the top one but he sure is getting really great at putting in
more detail as just a few months worth
of doodle practice has gone by.
I love all kid art. They just do what they like and don't get hung up
on rules or worry if it is good enough.
We should all do art like that!!
(N's bird art December 2008 age 8)

N. is bowling again in an after school youth league after a few weeks' break. They have switched to a different bowling alley, one where he has never before bowled. This time around he has a boy and a GIRL on his team!! When I picked him up today I asked him how it went. He replied, "They have a lot of rules there." I said, "Oh? Like what?" He said, "Like no running." I said that I thought that was a sensible rule for any indoor place. When he did not agree, I was left to assume that he was running today!!
Such a hard life he leads, such drama!!
He continues to be on the chess club team for a second year also. A's chess team with her fellow junior high gifted students begins next week.
With all the after school activities and 3 kids, I feel like I am running here and there constantly. Is it a surprise that my car ~the mom mobile~ is a mess inside? I think a dozen or so miscellaneous things go into the car and only 2 or 3 get taken back out each day!! Time to do the box trick. Unload all the stuff and when someone goes looking for something I'll just silently point towards the direction of the box over in the corner of the garage!!

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