My friends had paper dolls too. We would have great fun playing paper dolls together. Sometimes we would try to make new clothes for them too!
I bought paper dolls for my 2 girls when they were little. They loved playing with them and also felt the same about the tabs tearing off. I even made a carrying box for each of them with doll images cut from magazines and catalogs decoupaged on the outside and a little button/ elastic loop closure and a silky cord handle. They found them a few months ago and the elastic loop was not stretchy anymore. I teased that it meant they were getting old. The girls not the dolls!!!
When I was in grade school I had a lunch box identical to this one called Junior Miss. I do think mine was less beat up though. I LOVED this lunch box!!!!!!! I would stare at this girl everyday at the lunch table in the noisy cafeteria and wish I had long BROWN hair and GREEN eyes like hers!!!! I LOVED her hat with all the flowers and vines hanging down. Even to this day, I often doodle flowers and vines like that with colored pencils!!!
Lunch in those days was usually a peanut butter and butter (Oleo) sandwich carefully wrapped by Mom in wax paper and an apple and maybe a cookie. I think my thermos broke early on (remember how the insides of those old thermoses would literally shatter if you dropped them?) so I bought my milk for 3 cents. 3 CENTS!!!!!
When I look at her long brown hair and green eyes under that wonderful hat I am instantly taken back to the sights, sounds and smells of the grade school cafeteria!!!
Surprisingly, I have many, many of my childhood things still. That's what comes of never moving around from house to house. That, and having a SAVER for a Mother. I do not know what happened to either of these things- the paper dolls or lunch box. I would love to have these items once again to hold in my hand and look at. Maybe someday I will again.
(These photos were borrowed from ebay.)
Hi Amy,I remember Jr. Miss,and had one of the lunch boxes as well. I remember carry it in Jr.High at 13,and the kids making fun of me for it...I loved paper dolls too...
When I was a little girl in the 30's I had a set of paper dolls of the Dionne Quintuplets!! That was something to have five babies to dress and play with.
ReplyDeleteI loved paper dolls too. One set that I had I remember in particular because an older girl gave it to me when she was "too old" to play with dolls. It had a family ~ Dad, Mom, Brother & Sister. The set came with a fold out house. The fam looked pretty spiffy in their 1950s outfits ~ which to me was way too old fashioned looking so I finally got rid of it. I wish I had it now though. *sigh*