
Monday, May 17, 2010

periwinkle prom

My oldest child, E., participated in a milestone event in a young lady's life. Senior prom. Although, this does not mean the end of her high school years. She will be a senior again next year. She needs a couple more credits, and in addition, she will have more preparation for life as an adult with special needs.
It is a good plan sometimes to not have to have a race out into the big challenges of the adult world.
E. had a very fun time dressed in her periwinkle colored dress. Excitement and smiles.
I must confess, I had silly preconceived ideas of what this event would feel like with a first born daughter. I thought it would be about deciding about hair, make-up and all the rest, like shopping for some perfect overpriced costume jewelry. 
She didn't want to wear make-up and asked if I could simply pull her hair back into a barrette. That's perfect.
She has a glow without make-up that was further enhanced by her excitement that shined through.
She chose to wear a special pretty string of faux pearls given to her as a Christmas gift many years ago, she made her own earrings since she has a fabulous jewelry making talent, and the barrette was a dollar store special we had in a drawer that matched the pearl necklace just right.
She looked beautiful.

Now about her dress.  She was more than happy to share her story of finding it for $1.50 at a gently used clothing sale. It cost about $15 to have it dry cleaned. One mom was accurate to declare that even with the dry cleaning bill it was a score of a find. I agree!! It was a hit with the other moms of the other girls in the friend group she went with who talked among themselves of the big lumps of money spent for a dress to likely hang in a closet forgotten after one night. One other mom asked if it was her size (which it was) and then told E. if she wanted to sell it to her she would be willing to pay much more than $16.50!! We all laughed!! I don't think E. is giving it up. But if offered big bucks she may possibly maybe change her mind. Maybe not.

Her little purse was a thrifty garage sale find.
E. did ask for months and months beforehand if she could get acrylic nails for the prom. Fake fingernails being on the list of a new experience. I have never been a fan of fake fingernails.... E. has healthy beautiful nails naturally and I thought a new bottle of nail polish would do the trick nicely. I tried to get out of it. I'm never one to miss sneaking a lesson into the school of everyday life, so I decided that it could be turned into a learning experience. I had E. look up in the phone book different places to have it done and encouraged her do the calling to compare prices for the service. I took her to the nail salon with the understanding that the cost would be considered part of her upcoming 18th birthday presents too. I have never had fake nails, so it was a learning experience for me to watch it done for her nails. She chose the perfect periwinkle color of polish...and we did not even have the dress with us!!
Incidentally, I told her that fake fingernails would not get her out of doing her chores. Nice try though!

We had to get a photo with little brother N. We took a photo of the two of them on her first communion day and now we look back and laugh at how little he was. It would seem hard to remember without the photo.
Photos are treasure.
His shirt says "A ninja swiped my homework". Even though he was not spiffed up in a neck tie like he is for the chess tournaments and therefore a more suitable match for his formal dressed big sis, we still needed a picture!

All the moms gathered with their kids at one house to act as paparazzi. It's a necessity you know!
E. had a casual date for her first homecoming dance earlier this year. No date this time, but she didn't mind. She went with a big fun group. Only 2 of the 5 girls in the group had dates. Dinner and dancing was at a big elegant hotel on the river front in a nearby city.

E. had great fun and great memories were made.
That's the best part of this whole milestone event.
That makes future memories!!


  1. your daughter looks so beautiful, what a great color on her! Even better when you know it was a steal :)

  2. What an epic event. Sounds like a fun event for everyone. :)


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