
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A few more days

It won't be long until I hear, "I'm bored. There's nothing to do!" My kids have a few more days of school until freedom. A summer of endless hours to be kids.

Looking back, I realize I loved that feeling. It was as though the whole summer was stretched out ahead of me with endless possibilities, hours of doing fun things, lazy things, memory making things. No homework, a relaxed bedtime curfew, and every day is like a weekend. Remember that feeling?

(image from "Runaway Ginger" 1949)

I keep telling my 3 to enjoy the kid-ness (a made up word) of the time they have. Time. It is a gift that goes away with adulthood. Do they listen? Probably not. I am certain my mother told me the same thing just as generations of mothers before her sprinkled these pearls of wisdom. It's only when you are (supposedly) grown up that anything your parents say means much.

I admit freely that I really hate when one of my kids says, "I'm bored. There's nothing to do!" I mean, really? Biking, running, sleeping in, swimming, fishing, daydreaming, friends, reading, Popsicles, watermelon, road trips, games, fireworks, sparklers, cook-outs, music, the porch swing, the hammock, slumber parties, camping, etc, etc.....

I could stand a little bit of that kind of boredom, how 'bout you? How do you plan to be bored this summer vacation?


  1. Amy, I have been trying for days to post a comment, but it would not come up without turning my pop ups off and I never do that. Love all the previous post, especailly the dictionary. What a great find. As for a boring hot summer, I plan on staying indoors and crafting the summer away. I have been posting dresses for my daughter in case she has a baby someday or adopts and they are very feminine dresses and some very old ones. Some of them still had tags on them. I also posted all the candy bouquets and gifts I made for a Cancer Aid bingo held by the VFW Ladies Auxilliary. Hope you stop by for a visit. I went to many museums in NYC and saw originals that take your breathe away. But the best was being there when Coco Chanel's dresses were on display--no cameras allowed there. But it was beautiful seeing all the old to the new. Hugs, Pat

  2. i could stand a little bit of boredom too..i have missed you nita


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