
Thursday, October 14, 2010

How's Halloween going?

(1940's Vintage Halloween image to use for art)
How is Halloween going at your place? Around here it is not going exactly as I had hoped. I am slow to get out all the decor that I wanted to unpack and put around the house and outside too.
Maybe I should have let my son N. put out the pretend graveyard in the front yard at the beginning of Sept and not worry the neighbors would say "Wow are they crazy people?!" At least it would have been up, right? At this rate we may be just putting it all up at Thanksgiving time and the neighbors will be saying "Wow are they crazy people?!"
I have, however, made some progress with unpacking a few chosen items and sorting through some more other Halloween stuff. I have fallen out of love with quite a few Halloween decor things that I just went through the motions with, year after year, unpacking and packing back up again with not much excitement. I decided it was time to donate/pass them on to someone else who will love them more.
I am getting to a point in my life where I am looking at a lot of the "stuff" around me through those kinds of eyes. Do you have things you keep and you don't really know why when you stop and really think about it? Time to take action to correct that situation.
While we are on the subject of sorting... I have also decided that (most) of the cook books and loose recipe clippings around here are best in someone else's space. I do not use them. I am a throw it all together from your imagination kind of cook. I use recipes more for (my VERY occasional) baking and not so much for cooking. I do enjoy old cook/bake books for the illustrations more than the recipes themselves. The old paperback pamphlet kind are especially nice pre 1960's. The colors are just different.
Hope you get all your decorating done. Hope it looks great at your place. I will still try. Back to sorting, for now...

( vintage ephemera-- who thought up this pumpkin/donut idea??)


  1. HI Amy, thanks for sharing that graphic. I love it. could you please visit my blog and see where I have requested mailing addresses for Christmas cards for those that visit me frequently.
    I say put up your decorations when you want to---I have already started on Christmas because I want things perfect for when my children come for Christmas. I will finally have them all together after 8 years and it will be so wonderful. Big Hugs,Pat

  2. Hello Amy, my bestest imaginary friend,
    Oh, I so understand the quandry of being inundated with STUFF. Occasionally I will be in purge mode. And then I will go to the folks house and Mom will bring out some STUFF she has been saving for more years than I can count and say, I couldn't part with this, Would you like it? It is far too pretty to throw out.
    Keep your favorite memories and then share the rest.
    Thinking of you fondly.

  3. I just put out the outside decorations on Sunday. I haven't even touched the inside. I think I'll skip Halloween and go straight to Thanksgiving this year.


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