
Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cute little images

I think these are adorable, don't you? The colors are wonderful.
I have been sorting some of my mom's cards she saved. She saved everything, and I do mean ev er y th ing!! (Say that with drama)
These were from the late 1930's/ early 1940's, when she was a young girl. She saved many cards from the late 1940's when she and my dad were dating and first married. The colors are different somehow on those old cards. It makes me love them so much. I like color. I notice color. The innocent yet slightly risky humor on some of the 1940's cards is of interest too. If you have ever been lucky enough to look through any you may know what I mean.
Have fun with these images.
Click to enlarge then right click to save.


  1. I love these cards - the images are so cute! I have a similar collection from my mom - postcards to greeting cards to old photos. It's fun to see all the old images.

  2. By the way, I found you listed my postcard blog on your links list - thanks! I linked to you on both my blogs. Cheers!


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