
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Flash Back- An ad about Christmas toys from Santa

I got this roller skating doll for Christmas from Santa when I was almost 5 . I loved her so much! Wow! I was so excited and spent many happy hours with her. I remember years later the batteries in her back compartment leaked all over and I think my mom got rid of her. That same Christmas I received a toy pay phone (remember pay phones, before there was such an invention as a cell phone?) that was blue and had pretend coins to insert to make different Disney character voices speak to you. I felt so grown up when I played with that one. Do you have a toy from your memories that you think of when the Christmas season is approaching?

1 comment:

  1. The only Christmas toy that I really remember is the doll that spun on a record. My uncle bought it for me when I was about 13 and didn't play with dolls anymore. (If I ever did) I hated it and hid it under my bed. Ungrateful child. LOL


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