
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When Christmas is here...

{Click to enlarge then right click and save.
Use for your crafting pleasure.}
 I have been snapping a few pics around our place. N. has even been capturing some Christmas spirit around the house with the camera too. He is pretty excited about his Christmas house. What do you remember about Christmas at your house as a youth? I remember my mom always seeming so calm and organized. I can't find that calm mom costume to put on right now. Maybe it is hiding in the back of that closet I have not had time to get to. Hmmm. Yeah, that's probably it.


  1. My mother must have not been like yours because I can't ever remember her in a calm mood. Maybe that's why she's so sedentary now!!
    Hope you find some peace for Christmas sweet Amy!

  2. Amy, love the graphic saying and I will be using it next year. It's just a beautiful saying.
    I have tried to stay calm also, but it's hard to when my son arrives today from NYC and my daughter arrives on Christmas Eve. Lots of things going on.
    I remember my mom baking and making homemade candy and pies for weeks before Christmas and when I found out there was no Santa Claus, I was heart broken. They kept our gifts at my grandpa's house and we were all asleep when grandpa came in carrying gifts and mom putting them out. She told me to go back to sleep and she would explain in the morning. But I do beleive in the spirit of Christmas and the Birth of Jesus and it's all about giving from your heart.
    I know it's late, but I would love to have your mailing address. You can email me at if you would like me to have it. Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year. Hugs, Pat

  3. Wanted to send along some wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Thanks for the graphic saying,Ami! I will use it in my art work next year!

    Sending big hugs,


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