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I love globes. I collect globes. The vintage ones are really cool because they have names that have changed, I have 3 globes that are this way. This puzzles my kids. "Why would a country change its name?", they ask. Little moments of history lessons come at the most unexpected times. Grab them! I like the look and feel of old globes better than the new modern models. The colors always seem so different on the old spinning worlds, for some reason. My old ones mostly came from the curbside, tossed away and unloved but still full of charm and decorating and educational purpose. Now I notice they are going for a high price at antique stores and on line too. I like that mine were free!
Don't you love the scene of the cozy fire side? We have our daily fire roaring extra hot today...it was just 4 degrees outside when I woke up. That's too cold even for me, the winter-weather-lover!
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