Collections... under a sepia tone world map clock. White ironstone pitchers. Thrifted red books with great old covers that feel better than any modern-ebook-thingy can ever feel.

Pheasant feathers in a vintage small crock. Birch. More vintage red books.

Rustic cottage sign (more about this one later) against brick.

And the tell-tale signs of 3 children living in this house. Need I say more??
I love your vignettes - and the fact that you show that real kids live in your real house. the vingnettes alone might be intimidating, but it is so refreshing that one can balance beauty and peaceful decor with children in the house. it doesn't have to be all or nothing!
I so agree with you about the books...yours are so beautiful....I have really come to have a appreciation for books over the last year....I have always loved them but,this past year I really discovered the blessing in them....I only read certain ones but,just seeing books lined on a shelf speaks to me.....they are a marvelous thing and I would never trade them for a dozen "Nooks"....
Love your vignettes...the last one looks very similar to my own :)
Blessings to you dear Amy....
Kid mess?! that looks just like my mess! LOL Love your vignettes. I have some of those cute pitchers in my cupboard too.
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