
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas was held together by Mom

I find I miss my Mom a lot at different times of the year like Christmas... and Sunday through Saturday and January through December. She has been gone from Earth for 12 years now even though she is ever present in my mind and heart.

Any of you that have lost a Mom can attest that Christmases are not the same anymore. Mom's are the glue that hold it all together.

I never realized how she did it every year. Making it all come off so well. Making it all seem so easy. Now that I am grown up {I feel like I never was grown up until I had no more Mom. Sometimes I wonder if I am grown up YET!} I wish she were here to tell me the secrets.

The house was always decorated. The traditions always carried out. Dinner always just right. Santa always magic.

I feel like I don't have the "knack". I hold on to the selfish thought that maybe it was all smoke and mirrors and I am not a big loser in the Mom Department.

Whatever the answer is- she was always the wizard behind the curtain at Christmastime and I never was able to get a really good peek behind the curtain so I could be the wizard heir.

I do know one thing for certain- She must have spiked the egg nog and tested it well when she came up with the idea of dressing my big brothers alike each year. Is that child abuse???!!!!


  1. Three big brothers! My mom did that with my four brothers. One older three younger and she sewed all of their shirts. She lives with me now and she is cranky and ornery but I know I'll miss her when she is gone. I lost my dad 18 years ago and there are so many times that I miss him. Hang in there Amy. I'm sure you are a wonderful mom!

  2. Dear Amy, sorry you no longer have your Mom to share the Christmas Holiday with you! I still have my Mother, but I have loss my Mother in law that was more like a second mother to me. I was 15yrs old when my husband and I got together so I learned so much from my sweet mother in law. I miss her dearly around this time and all through the year. She so loved Christmas and made it such a fun time for all the family. I know you must make Christmas such a special time at your house. All those beautiful snowflakes are sure to be remembered by one and all and will live on as a special Christmas memory. We as Mothers and grandmothers are making Christmas memories today that will live on after we are passed and our loved ones are left to carry on our traditions. Do have a very Merry Christmas and may God bless.


  3. Precious Amy,
    I am so sorry that you have lost your Mom. Makes me realize that I am even more lucky that I already know since I still have both folks.
    I do believe that she imparted much of her spirit in you; you make everything special.
    Big hugs and blessings, dear one.

  4. Our Moms are so very special to each of us. That is such a blessing. I am sorry your Mom is know here but you have all those sweet Christmas memories. Merry Christmas

  5. I don't know that you don't "have it" when it comes to Christmas. I bet you have your own "Christmas Mom" thing going on. I bet your kids will look back on your magic and wish they had it.

    Have you ever eaten one of your own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? Mom's seem to make P.B. & J's the best. Maybe moms can't see (or taste) their own magic.

    Mothers sprinkle everything with unconditional love. Fathers make conditional sandwiches. "If you don't like it and don't eat it, I'm going to mail it to a starving kid somewhere and you won't get nothing else!" It just doesn't taste the same when dad makes it.

    Maybe the magic isn't always recognizable until it is captured in a memory.

  6. Sorry this is a sad time for you. I know you have many wonderful memory's of your Mother. I wish you a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  7. Dear Amy,
    I remember the picture and what your Mom went through to get it.!! I remember many Christmas Eves and know how your Mom did everything she could to make everyone happy and have the family together. She loved her family and her spirit of family love is in our hearts.I know my boys remember and loved their Grammy, we all did. Please pass her spirit on to your family to keep it going. Merry Christmas!

  8. Dear Amy
    A beautiful post remembering your Mum. The family photo of you and your big brothers is wonderful! What a lovely keepsake.
    Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas.

  9. Amy, I would like to wish you and your family peace, love, and happiness for Christmas.
    Hugs & love ~Mary~ :-}

  10. I know just what you mean Amy--my sweet Mom's birthday was on Christmas Eve--so we really miss her doubly at Christmastime! This is our 3rd Christmas without her.

    I had to laugh at your brother's with their matching outfits--I have 3 younger brothers who had to endure the same thing, lol!

    Have a beautiful Christmas--and I know that with your sweet and loving heart that you are making some really special Christmas memories for your children too. It's all about the love, hon!

    Merry Christmas--and God's Blessings on your family!
    Smiles, Karen

  11. Wishing you a blessed and merry Christmas....may you have peace, joy and love....


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