
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Clover's bunnies are 6 weeks old....where does the time go?

A. holding one of the 4 identical baby bunnies from E's momma bunny, Clover.
The one thing bad about white bunnies is the stained feet fur...but they are still cute!!

We have always trained our babies to lie on their backs. It makes them more calm when held the regular way by just about anyone. Sometimes the babies just fall asleep in this position! Here is another group of pictures from Clover's previous litter. Included in this photo shoot is another bunny baby relaxing on it's back!

The bunnies all enjoy play time in the grass. The kids set up a circle of chicken wire in the yard.

The bunnies are so sweet. We built two new hutches from the wood we recycled from our tree house we tore down. N. even pounded some nails! The bunnies are now outside - instead of on the porch in their cage -in their new (old) hutch with their Momma bunny for a few more weeks. Then they will be separated from Clover.


  1. Oh Amy, they get cuter each and every day that passes!! I'm sure your children just love playing with them ~ thanks so much for the updates! xxoo, Dawn

  2. Amy, those cute little bunnies take me back to childhood when we had some, but of course we had every animal you can think of at my grandpas farm next door. Hope you have a great 4th of July. Hugs, Pat

  3. Oh....those bunnies are precious!
    I hope that you have a Glorious Fourth of July!


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