
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Room Update

This is the Chinese print fabric E chose to cover her existing comforter. She even sewed it on. The curtain valance is the same fabric now. She likes to use one of my older machines (Mont. Ward) .

You will be glad to hear that her room is still RELATIVELY clean and organized so far. I have had to work with her every day to keep up on it. There was one day she had food wrappers and papers in it and I got a little worried that it was starting again. Stress sometimes triggers symptoms and the room re-do was a huge stress! We do this just one day at a time with her.
It was really, really bad when she was in first through third grade at school...she would gather empty food wrappers from the kids sitting at her lunch table and keep them in her desk and locker and backpack. She would be sent into "a downward spiral meltdown" if the teacher or I or anyone would try to take them and throw them away.
The brain is a hard thing to understand. She is such a very smart kid. She works so hard to keep her challenges a secret-- and thus---the anxiety. She has 3 close lifelong friends that know all her "secrets" and accept her just as she is. She has great friends. She still tries to hide her OCD from the other friends, and the world in general. It's hard work.

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