
Friday, March 12, 2010

10 or more thoughts...

in no particular order...

(Our babies from a few springtimes ago.
Just a random cute photo to go with a random post)
1. I am looking forward to a trip coming up soon.
2. I have so much to do before upcoming trip.
3. The slush and piles of dirty snow are slowly disappearing, as the air smells like springtime.
4. I love fresh white snow covering everything.
5. I also like the smell of springtime.
6. I am going to eat a BMT. This is my boy N's coined abbreviation for bacon, mayonnaise and toast.
7. I should probably skip the heart clogging bacon, heart clogging mayonnaise, oh- and the toast too. But then I would have no fun heart clogging flavor to savor. At least the bread is whole grain wheat, give me some credit. The tomato was beyond saving and the lettuce has had better days.
8. Note to self: buy a fresh tomato and some non-wilted lettuce.
9. Do you ever write on the bathroom mirror in the foggy steam after your shower? I yell at the kids for the streaks after it dries when they do it, but boy is it fun to do anyway. Maybe I'll do that today. Write on the mirror, not the yelling at the kids part.(Yes, then I wash it!)
10. Oh did I just admit I have been known to yell at my kids? So sue me! They sometimes "forget" to pick up after themselves either. See, I knew you'd be on my side.
11. I read to N. the other night while we were cuddling on the couch. He got very quiet and I read 2 more chapters before I realized he was sound asleep.I read one more chapter to myself after that.
12. We finished the book last night - after I back tracked to find the paragraph in which chapter he actually recalled last hearing.
13. I will miss the times when N. wants to cuddle and be read to.
14. I know I am not supposed to end a sentence with the word to.
15. I am going thrifting today in my window of opportunity. Translation: The shop is along the route from one place I have to be to the next place I have to be...with 40 minutes in between the two location responsibilities. How 'bout that for a relaxing session of browsing? Sometimes you have to take what you can get. My budget is $2.00.
16. Those bunnies we raised, shown in the photo above, were so cute (and so fun to dress in Barbie doll crowns), but I am actually happy to say "Been there, done that."
17. Random thoughts can be fun to record.


  1. I love reading random thoughts. They are fun and quite telling. Thanks so much for sharing yours.

    Gerushia's New World

  2. Amy, I too sometimes just ramble away, but that's okay. It's like looking into a person's brain and getting to know a little more about them. I was looking back on your blog, now that I have DSL and you posted a card that I actually have. It's the black velvet reindeer. My daughter sent me a lot of old vintage cards and I posted them quite long ago last year. She recently sent me some very vintage embroidered pieces, but I am going to sell them on my blog just as soon as I get it started. I need to get everything together and take quality pictures with my new photo box that casts out shadows with a black background. Well I better get busy with my Spring giveaway before Spring passes me by. Love and Hugs, Pat.
    thanks for some of the images. There is one I would love to be able to use to make cards for my daughter to sell, but going to go through mom's old patterns because it should still be there. I made that dress in high school. The white A-line sheath dress with a ballero jacket---still have it.

  3. Hey Amy.
    Loved your ramblings.
    What did you get with your dollars?


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