
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh my!

When I found some 1970's kitsch in an old magazine I knew I had to talk about the groovy days for a minute...
I had a pop can hat. Yep! mine was a Pepsi hat with red, white and blue variegated yarn. I was the coolest pre-teen on the block. As I recall, the aluminum rectangles held together with acrylic patrioticness was very hot in the summer sun as it baked my head and my long braids underneath. I didn't care. Did I mention I was cool?

I did not have one of these horrible kleenex boxes! I would have promptly gotten rid of it if I was given one as a gift, I'm afraid. It is freaky and frightening.

It says it covers unsightly kleenex boxes...more unsightly than this creation?? And, Oh boy!, one day shipping.

1 comment:

  1. Oh-my-lanta!!!
    The Kleenex box cover looks like something from a horror movie. The face is scary, and that awful hair; but the worst part would be pulling her "brains" out through the opening in her head......[[shiver]]
    Probably not a lot of fund-raising going on there. HA!!



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