Tuesday, July 17, 2007

To Market, To Market

This is a summer without a veggie garden at our house. I am lost without one. I am off to the market (our local fruit & veggie market) every time I am out for something else. I may be their best customer lately.
I miss walking out in the back yard and harvesting whatever is ready that day. Fresh, yummy, home grown food - there's nothing like it.
I am a bad Mom for not having the kids do gardens this summer. The planting season just slipped away. We usually have each of the 3 kids tend a plot of their own --from choosing the plants to all that is involved in growing successfully. Next summer (like all the others except this lazy one) there will be veggies reaching for the sunshine again. Then the market will have to make up for the loss of my money in their till.
Here is a photo of N., 2005, with his first harvest of broccoli that he grew all by himself. See that broad, happy smile?!
Of note in the background: The blue vintage book in the background is from the 1940's and was thrifted for 25 cents. I bought it purely for the cover, but the inside sweet illustrations were a bonus! The title is "Five In The Family". That's us!!!!!
Also - the mirror matches the wallpaper because I painted it that way. I made a rubber stamp out of the eraser on a pencil and stamped the mirror! Click the photo to enlarge the detail.

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