Twelve Year Old MIDDLE Child
Yesterday was my A's 12th birthday! She went to the movie theater to see Enchanted. She took along a friend and (reluctantly) her 2 siblings. We walked around the mall afterward.
A. usually ends up celebrating the whole month of January. She declared, one year when she was a preschooler, that January was her "Birthday Month" and she has held true to form ever since- meaning EVERY day in this month is for her!! Remember...she is a middle child.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANASTASIA!!! What a adorable young miss!!!! I loved all the pictures,brother and sis what a perfect capture! But had to cherish the pregnant shot of you! Did you notice your daughters bare footsie? How cute!!!! Mine is so mad that I didn't post about her birthday from 12-22 and it's tuff when all the photos are stuck in scrapbooks and trying toremove them..ick! Yep seen the milky plate under the cake. I have a recessed low bowl with that edging~ Talk later, Lori
Happy Birthday wishes with lolliepops and rainbows are being sent to her. She is a lovely young lady and I can tell how much she is loved. The picture of her and her brother is so cute and it remends me of my grandchildren. When my girls were young and they would be upset with each other I would make them kiss each other and they were good after that.
Happy Birthday Sweet Anna You are Lovely just like your Mom :)Hope you had a great day and may God Bless you with a Wonderful year....
I know why Nick is being so nice! Is that a chocolate cake???
Big Hugs, Mary :)
Happy Happy Joy Joy even if it is late.
Amy, love the pics - those kids are adorable and yes, even gorgeous.
Sounds like she takes after her Mommy!
I love your pictures and I love the name Anastasia.I remember turning 12 being a very big deal!
What a lucky girl to have a Mom who knows that!
Happy belated birthday Anastasia!
I see the sibling love going on. LoL. xoxo Nita
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