Don't you just adore the post WWII images of the "typical" household? Images and faces that seem like such a perfect comforting place to be....home. These faces look back at you like there is not a care in the world. I love those. I wanted to share some of my vintage booklet images I have- so you could see their smiling faces and giggle at the silliness of it all. Didn't these people have bratty kids or bills to worry about?
I have to say, "Sorry to disappoint." This isn't in fact my family in this image! They do not show the same enthusiasm for a new recipe from a cookbook that these happy Cold War Era people on this booklet cover do. I cook with imagination and by assembling memorized concoctions that are generational family favorites. I don't let cookbooks box me in to how food should go together to taste right and yummy.
Why, YES! Thank you for asking. I do enjoy my Frigidaire!! Do You? I always cook in heels like that too. Do You?
Did you spot the sarcasm ?
These images also make me think of the movie "Blast From The Past". It is a great silly movie about a family living inside a backyard fallout shelter.
I love red and white and vintage so these booklets shown are a hit with me. I have them tucked in with my milk glass that is in a barrister case in my kitchen.
I grew up with booklets like these! The pictures you have posted have taken me right down memory lane. I do have to tell you that my mother was always dressed for dinner. She always changed her outfit, redid her hair, gussied up and was ready with dinner all done when our Dad walked in the door! I think that was the way it was back then. It truly was a different time!
Thanks for sharing your ics. Where do you get them? They are wonderful. I always so enjoy them!
Oh I meant pics, not "ics" . Sorry the p didn't connect.
I love these. I grew up with things like this, too! I always wondered about where those people in the pics lived--it didn't look like where I lived!!!
Hope you're having a lovely summer-
Amy-I can't find your email address and today someone sent me a Woolworth's menu for the late forties and I wanted to forward to it to you!
You know my email, so contact me, so I can send it to you.
Hope you are having a good day.
Amy, Have you seen the new Romantic Home's magazine? There's a red and white kitchen collection that reminds me of you!
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