Thursday, October 18, 2007


This is what we have been doing in our neighborhood for about the last 10 years each October. I have noticed at Target they now have "Boo kits" and my sister-in-law- told me that they also do this at her office where she works.
A., N. and I went "Booing" last night. We did ["booed"] 3 neighbors and then A. decided the sneaky path to the door at the 4th chosen neighbor's house was too well lit up. We will try again tonight. We do it under the cover of darkness, dressed in black clothing and we sneak up to the door, leave the bag of goodies after ringing the doorbell lots of times and running for cover in the bushes. Kind of like a combination of a cat burglar, peeping Tom and ding-dong-ditch!
(some examples of bag contents: candy, Halloween kitchen hand towel, Halloween decor, toys, stickers, pencils, fun Halloween socks, etc, etc.)
The funniest part is when A's cat tags along to help. His fur is half white. He needs more black fur or a disguise to join our motley crew.

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