Off I escaped for a showing of Atonement at the cheap price theater. A deep story to be certain! I think it is one of those movies that will creep into your thoughts for days to come when you least expect it. I love any movie with period scenes and costumes. This film has that quality and romance and tragedy. If you've seen it too, let me know what you thought. There was a girl sitting with another girl in front of me in the theater. When the lights came up she stood up and loudly unannounced, "Well those were 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. They're gone!" Some people should just stay home, don't you agree??!!
Have a safe trip Amy and Elise!
Amy, I hope things will be easier sweetie. I am praying for you and your sweet daughter. I can't wait to see that movie! I am so happy you were able to get a little enjoyment.
Love Nita <3
have a wonderful and safe trip Amy!!!
I hope your trip goes smoothly. What wonderful dedication and patience you must have.
Amy,and Elise please have a safe and wonderful trip...Mary
you have been awarded!! xoxo nita
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