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this site. A wonderful wealth of possible family discoveries for genealogists!
1. I don't know these people, I'll bet they were kind and wonderful.
2. I make it all up, no ill will is intended.
Henry and his trusty dog Celia stop by pretty often to visit the lonely widow Shaffer. She and Henry are sometimes seen sitting close together on the front porch wicker swing, sipping lemonade. Celia lies on the porch floor while Henry scratches her back with his foot as the swing squeaks back and forth. The squeaking covers the intensely serious interaction they have when they talk. But other times they quietly slip into the house and don't come out for hours, while Celia keeps watch on the porch at the front door. Sometimes deliveries are made in large crates, big enough to hold just about anything you could imagine. The neighbors in the area have many stories. But boy oh boy!, were the neighbors surprised when the latest Greatest Housekeeping issue came out at the news stands, and low and behold, the widow Shaffer's unassuming little house was featured as the Home of the Year for the best most tasteful creative decorating...and Henry is now so busy with decorating commission appointments he cant keep up.
you are TOO funny!!! you got some of the information wrong however, the shooter is actually Sam's female side~kick...she is no "girl", she is actually a midget and is the real shooter, she hides the gun in her very large hat...
Actually that is Cordillia she was seven there in that picture. Her parents were both killed in a horrible plaque that took almost everyone in its path. She was very lucky to live with her grandparents. She was always shy around anyone she didn't know. She grew up with helping her grand daddy make moonshine. Word was the sherrif was looking for them in the hill of West Virginia what you see is a picture right before the feds took her away.
She ended up living with a very wealthy family you might of heard of them .... The rockerfellas.
thanks amy for visiting my blog. I would love to add your blog to my sidebar so that my blog readers could ome play fantasy family too. I had a ball doing it
Thanks Veronica
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