Tuesday, August 5, 2008


If you are squeamish
about bugs and things
you may want to skip this post!!
Another curious thing at the museum in Ann Arbor
that we always look at is this
really cool, really very old, framed picture
all made from things that are
found in nature.
From far away, some of the pieces look like
beads or other more common art supplies.

Upon a closer look, you discover that every
ingredient is something else entirely. This "picture" really fools your eye.
There are beetles and other bugs and butterflies,
moths and even ...are you ready?...bats!!
In researching insects, and art made with them,I came across a person that creates insect art and she said I could give you the links to her info. You will think her stuff is as awesome as I do, I'm sure of it.
Her name is Katie Jennings
When you visit tell her that
Amy at Abundant Curiosities
sent you!!!

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