I found a super fun (and informational too) web site all about life and people and things all through many eras that makes you get lost in the "I'll just click on one more page....Wow!!!...ok I can stop, well maybe just another and then I'll quit..." kind of mind frame. I have it saved in my favorites and then I can go back again after I put a load of my family's white socks in the wash so everyone will quit complaining. [Oh did I say that out loud?]
Speaking of complaining- I keep threatening to buy every member of the family the same size and style of white socks and just give all the current stuff to some mom with more time and patience. How can there be so many different styles of white socks for 5 family members???? Ugh! Sorry to get off subject, so lets get back to it. Here is the link to the site. If I were you I would first go put in a load of towels or jeans so you can look like you're multitasking. Just a suggestion!
Then I noticed the record player (my kids are fascinated by those dinosaurs of technology) and it made me think about the record player on the piece of ephemera I have. I won't bore you with all the super fun memories filed away in my head about record players at slumber parties and buying 45's with babysitting money...

I'll save that for another day when I have your attention trapped, errr, I mean reeled in, errr I mean attentive....
Amy....you have me laughing over my coffee this morning!! You know...I finally figured out that buying each son all the same kind of socks saved me from many harried moments over the years!! I think you should do it!!
Love from my side of Ohio to yours~
I will have to check it out for sure...thanks for the tip...hope your Mother's day was wonderful and your week is a blessed one.....
thanks for bringing back the memories of me and my friends sitting around playing our 45's and dancing our hearts out!
Uh-oh....I just had a quick look at the site you linked!! Sheeessshhh, I can already tell that I'm about ready to get hooked on it. I put it in my favorites so that later today, when I load up the whites in the washing machine, I can come back and have a closer look!!
Gerushia's New World
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