Friday, April 6, 2007

Girls' Day Out

My friend Sharon and I had a wonderfully fun "girls day out" yesterday! We met at a restaurant and had a yummy lunch. When I go to any restaurant that has French onion soup with cheese melted on top I just have to order it. After we filled our tummies we went thrifting. We need to go back again soon because time seemed to race by.
We found some tiny clear glass bottles ( one for each of us ) for cheap - so we can do altered art bottles. We saw some awesome examples on the web and we want to try it. Is yours done yet Sharon? You've had a whole 24 hours; I expect great things!!
We found a vintage first grade book of sheet music to use for altered art. It is filled with illustrations and the scrawling handwriting of , I presume, the music teacher on many of the 50 pages! My scheming mind is filing away ideas for these perfectly yellowed pages. I promise I will not keep all the pages for myself. The potential of the printed music must be spread around to my fellow altered art friends.
The picture above is scanned from the book.
You know, they say that when girlfriends get together there are natural endorphins that are released for a kind of happy, high feeling. I was feeling pretty high; how 'bout you, Sharon?

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