Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Let's Color Together

Sometimes it's the little - plain - no special day -moments that stick with you.

My boy N. and I were doing art together. This is what materialized.
My picture is crayon (press really, really hard to make it waxy) colored in a design drawn with a Sharpie marker, then water color paint over it. I drew my signature mushroom house {so N. drew one too} and little bugs {no bugs for N's art today. The exterminator must have paid a visit}, along with a teapot house {N. drew one too} and a Dr. Seuss-like tree house, {N. drew one too}.

N. is a flattering copycat don't you think?


Mary said...

Nick I love your picture:) Did Mom copy your picture? I think she did a good job also:)
Have a fun day with Mom...

lebanesa said...

Mum's teapot isn't as good as yours Nick ;-)