Friday, September 28, 2007


If you knew my daughter A, you would find that her Language Arts teacher is, in deed, teaching her.
She is using her new vocabulary words; at home and ... and maybe even with her friends.
Heck, I would use all the vocabulary words the teacher taught me too, if A's teacher were my teacher.
The teacher for 6th grade Language Arts is not like the vintage book illustration above. The teacher is a very handsome young man!!!!
The reason A and all her classmates like him is because he is a teacher that is not so serious. He makes learning FUN. He does activities that are learning in disguise. You are having such a good laugh with your friends that you do not realize there has been a big, embossed on the brain, learning session. One of those lessons that you WILL use for the future. I like those. Days, weeks or even years later you recall just HOW you know something. That is truly teaching, to me.

1 comment:

Betty said...

well darn it Amy. You just reminded me I need to cook, clean and do laundry today too. Blogging is so much fun though.