Monday, May 18, 2009

Flash Back- g'night...

The Waltons is a TV series that I like to watch on DVD. I have some favorite episodes and some that are worth skipping, too. But for the most part I can escape for a time when I let myself believe that the people in that family are real. Do you ever let yourself escape into a show fully, even though you know it's just a script and actors?

I would like to sit on that bench at the long table in the kitchen and drink lemonade, as Momma irons nearby and teaches gentle lessons on life. Sit by the radio with the rest of the family and snuggle under a well worn soft quilt with tattered edges. Hang around for awhile at Godsey's to hear some gossip. Feel the wind through my hair on a hot summer day swinging high into the tree branches on the long rope swing by the barn.

One thing you may not believe is that I always wanted to have to share my room with a sister. If you have always had to do so you may think me nuts. I am sure I would have hated it after a while but I wanted to try it to see what it was like. But alas I had no sisters. Just 3 very much older brothers.

I grew up next door to a family of 7 kids that were all packed into their 3 tiny bedrooms. They hated it. I don't think they were ever glad they had to share their personal space. Nor do I think any of them watched The Waltons with the same wonder as I. My friend who was #6 of the 7 always enjoyed coming over to my house.

My husband is #3 of 7 kids in his family and they were stacked into a few bedrooms too. Then there was his Mom's sister who had 15 kids -all single births, no twins, no triplets-they were packed in pretty close even though they had a big old house with 3 floors. I don't think they had Walton envy like me either.

But maybe one or two of my next door neighbors or my husband's siblings or his cousins had lemonade envy or swing envy. Maybe.


The Urban Chic said...

Amy, I couldn't leave without stopping by to say hello. I really didn't envy the Waltons as we almost lived like that with a large table for 9. I do, however, envy all your milkglass. I have quite a few pieces from my mom, but she gave them to Chris. She broke up her entire collection and gave them to the granddaughters. I however, pick up a piece now and then for myself. I hope you are doing okay. I miss my computer and the friends that are captive in it, but living way out in the country has it's faults. See you soon. Love and hugs, Pat

Loretta said...

Amy, I haven't been here in ages, so decided to drop by for a few minutes. The Walton's was one of my favourite shows as a young teen. I was in love with Johnboy! Rcently I watched a few re-runs on TV, but the later episodes aren't any good. I love the first 4 seasons the best of all. I was the oldest of my 3 sisters, and I always wished I was the youngest, so I think the grass must always be greener on the other side of the fence! I shared a room with one of my sisters, while the other 2 had a room together. When I was 17 my Dad built a room downstairs in the basement for me and I was thrilled. I stayed in it until I got married at 21. It was a blissful 4 years!

Loretta said...

Amy, thanks for your comments on my posts. Aren't the blogger words for verification a positive hoot?

I took another cute photo of my CC dolls, and will change the header in a bit. The headers on my blog keep me on my toes, as they go with the holidays.

Betty said...

I remember the Waltons. I always envied them their grandparents and their big kitchen!

Mary Isabella and Kiley too! said...

My MOM'S last name was Walton so we always watched. LOL Have a great weekend..m.