Soon it's my birthday.
I put a note on the refrigerator saying:
"If anyone is interested, I would like new red pot holders."
Once upon a time I used to get excited about jewelry or other expensive goodies.
My, my!, how age mellows our expectations -- and NEEDS!!
Last year I did get something expensive= I'll bet I got just as much thrill out of my new tires as you did about your new diamonds!!
Last night I asked if anyone saw my note since nothing had been said. A called out from the other room, "I know Mommy! You want new red potholders!"
I'll let you know what shows up.
Happy Birthday! Hope you get your red pot holders! I,too, like pot holders, but I hate breaking them in...hence mine look like they have been through a war. There are some new ones in the drawer, but I always grab the ones that are soft and pliable and familiar!
Thank you for your great e-mail this morning. I will answer it soon.
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you! I hope you get red potholders, happy birthday to you!! Have a great day Amy!! Love,Lori
Early happy Birthday Amy! I hope you get your red pot holders!
xoxo Nita
Happy Birthday! Hope all your dreams come true ;)
I had new red potholders once. Now they are no longer new, and not very red.
HaPPY BiRtHdAY!! I am on the lookout for red pot holders. Maybe you'll get bunches and bunches of them!! Have a wonderful day to today! Heck, have a wonderful weekend. I think birthday celebrations should stretch for days!!
Happy Birthday to you!
Have a very happiest of birthdays!
Happy Birthday, Amy...
sorry I'm a little late.
I hope you got the red potholders!
Happy birthday to you!!!
I love the note you hung up telling people what you wanted and needed. I would have done exactly the same.
Many happy returns of the day.
Lots of love
Cherry xoxox
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Have a great day!
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