A note about the glassed-in porch= I bought a queen size sheet set at the Big Lots store for $7 and used the fitted sheet to cover the swing cushion by safety pinning it on the back side; the flat sheet was used for porch curtains on the sunny side (A. ~age 12~ used the sewing machine to run rod pockets for this); the pillow cases were used for seat cushion covers on the wicker chairs that I pulled out of the neighbor's trash (they just needed new cushion covers); I sewed a flouncy skirt cover for the ottoman (it was pulled from the neighbor's trash too!)in front of the swing using some fabric I had on hand
....and tadaa! A newly decorated porch!
watching a video of the Muppets.
N. and J. are the same height and they both have long legs. I tease them that if they got married when they grow up they might have babies that are all legs!! They just roll their eyes at me.
Remember when you were little and all you wanted to do was hurry and grow up?! Then when you are grown up and have bills to pay and ....well, then all you wish for is that you could be little again!! I look at my kids and think about that a lot lately. N. says he is bored some days and has nothing to do (poor kid; must have no toys at all), and E. is always saying she wants to be treated like a grown up (yet she still makes immature decisions).
I wish I had a day to do nothing and I don't think I could feel bored even if I tried.
When I was little I know I wanted to be big and grown up too. But I remember wanting to stay a teenager longer, though. That means having a little more freedom but still having the safety net of Mom and home underneath you.
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